Markets can change rapidly with respect to Multi-Family properties and it is therefore very important to evaluate markets on a consistent basis. Our investor base has indicated an appetite exists for new opportunities in the Multi-Family residential sector and we have plans to invest over $200 million in acquisitions and development funds over the next two years. Our Philosophy is to pursue all services that may be required by Multi Family owners, bare land owners with properties zoned for Multi Family and bare land owners who have properties that can be re-zoned for Multi-Family. We are always on the lookout for potential investments that will be attractive to our investors.
Generally speaking we seek new development in the A and Luxury product lines and acquisitions in the B, C & A product types. We will however provide rehab, re-positioning and asset management services to products throughout the Multi-Family spectrum of product.
We will pursue opportunities in the western states of California, Nevada and Arizona initially however, we have interest in the adjoining states and in Texas as well. These states show large numbers of young adults who are delaying having children to take advantage of active lifestyles. As we pursue opportunities we will consider opening field offices to oversee and to respond to our client’s needs in the larger local markets.
“We continue to look to exploit the markets where we have found opportunities in the past; emerging markets, cities within the United States that are in the top 25 but not in the top 10, seats of state governments, areas where unemployment remains fairly low compared to national averages and in the suburbs of larger cities where there is evidence of a migration of light industrial and service industries into the local areas to acquire new permanent facilities
In addition, by assisting property owners we are able to gain valuable market intelligence in local markets about existing Multi-Family properties owned by others, which may be targeted for purchase. BCP has an excellent opportunity to gain equity and provide value appreciation in existing deals or to find opportunities for acquisition which may not otherwise be known to the market.
Perhaps History is the best teacher when it comes to providing lessons about where we want to be in the market with respect to ground up construction and development of new apartment communities as well as refurbishment of existing communities which may have suffered from a lack of maintenance and professional care during this protracted downturn in real estate valuations. We stand ready to take advantage of what we believe is a new emerging trend. Note what Axiometrics has to say about the market for apartments:
That may sound like a lot—but over the decade before the crash, the construction of apartment developers consistently finished roughly 350,000 new units a year. “We’re not back where we were from 1997 to 2008,” says Jay Denton; vice president of research for data firm Axiometrics Inc.
These are the strategies that have worked for Meer and his predecessor organizations in the past and it is clear from the initial results of Bear Capital Partners, that these strategies and our proven success record already appear to be placing our organization on a similar pathway.